A40 Golden Valley resurfacing – Friday 1 November to Tuesday 19 November 2024
We’re resurfacing the westbound A40 between Cheltenham and Gloucester.
This will maintain and improve safety for everyone using the road, and reduce the need for unplanned closures.
Closure information
The A40 westbound will be closed between M5 junction 11 and the Elmbridge Court Roundabout from 8pm Friday 1 November to 6am Monday 4 November.
The A40 westbound will then be closed weeknights (8pm to 6am) from Monday 4 to Tuesday 19 November between Arle Court and Elmbridge Court roundabouts. We’ll be sharing these closures with Gloucestershire County Council, who will using it as an opportunity to work on its section of the A40, reducing the need for further closures.
The diversion will follow the B4063. Larger vehicles, please use the A4013, A4019, A38 and A40. Plan ahead and allow extra time for your journeys.
The M5 will be open as usual, and you will still be able to join the motorway at junction 11 from the A40 eastbound (coming from the Gloucester direction). During our weeknight closures, if you’re leaving the M5 you’ll only be able to join the A40 eastbound (towards Cheltenham). Please follow diversions for any other journeys.
This work is subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain may affect the progress.
Where to find more information
You can visit nationalhighways.co.uk/sw-maintenance, just look for A40 Golden Valley resurfacing, contact our Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 (open 24/7), who will direct your enquiry to the team, or email: info@nationalhighways.co.uk.